Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Education is the most important national activity, the backbone of a country's progress. It helps to strengthen the very fabric of a nation" to produce men of education enlightenment and character."
Our Education system today, is faced with the very serious problem of student unrest. The malady is serious. But a close look at the situation will reveal that the responsibility of its seriousness does not rest with the students alone. It is our system of Education that should be blamed for any decline of values among student. The aim of Education should be professional, intellectual and moral training of an individual. Judging by this, our modern system of Education is a complete failure
The so called liberal education does not impart any professional training to our young men. Our education is not job-oriented. The best method to learn a thing is to perform it or experience it. But in our educational institutes students are exposed to only theoretical lectures that often tend to be dull, insipid and ill informed. Students are mostly at the receiving end. This slackens their natural curiosity and dampens their enthusiasm. Even after spending the most important years of their life at schools and colleges, our students find their future stretching before them dark and uncertain. This uncertainty breeds unrest.
In our universities also, too much emphasis is laid on examinations. Examinations once a year enables the students work unevenly -to sing their time merrily away for the first ten months and then to pour over their books for two months in order to secure a 'pass'. This also curbs the teacher's freedom to teach as he likes; for a teacher has to function within the syllabus- EXAMINATION FRAMEWORK . And finally they encourage cramming and the use of unfair means.
If we want to stem the future deterioration of our education, we shall have to bring about certain radical changes in our system of university education. Our Education needs more careful planning of syllabii with a professional bias, a reformed system of examination - a provision for some creative outlets for the youth.